O neo-stalinismo, nostalgia e o realismo capitalista It is easier to imagine a bureaucratic, authoritarian and moralistic socialism than a free socialism

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Sidarta Landarini


This article proposes to reflect on the concept of capitalist realism (FISHER, 2020), when used by Brazilian “influencers” who define themselves as “Marxist-Leninists”, but with a Stalinist bias. Two arguments are presented: a) The theory of capitalist realism is incompatible with the theoretical line followed by such “influencers” b) And, in part, the success of such “influencers” is a symptom of the algorithmization of life in capitalist realism, as it is in digital companies (social networks) the propitious terrain to reimagine a fanciful past, through the nostalgic affectation of elements of the USSR ruled by Joseph Stalin, making it difficult to create a collective and political imagination to build the new world.

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Luta e Memória


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