Nicos Poulantzas and the concept of capitalist State in the work Fascism and Dictatorship Critical notes

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Danilo Enrico Martuscelli


The purpose of this article is to analyze the theoretical status of the concept of capitalist State elaborated by Nicos Poulantzas in the work Fascism and Dictatorship. The thesis that guides our analysis is that by integrating the so-called ideological apparatus (family, church, parties, unions, media, etc.) into the capitalist State, Poulantzas distanced itself from the concept of the State as a juridical-political structure, present in Political Power and Social Classes, resulting in a dilution of the very concept of the capitalist state as a unit of institutionalized power and in the underestimation of the juridical-political region of bourgeois ideology as the dominant aspect of the capitalist mode of production.

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