PATHS TO THE CRITICISM OF THE BOURGEOIS STATE: the question of civil society in Marx and Gramsci.

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Anderson Tavares


Based on the question of the relationship between State and civil society, Marx and Gramsci developed different paths in the critique of the bourgeois society of their time. Despite this difference, mobilized to theoretically distance the authors, both are located in the critique of the formal distinction between State and society. One of the starting points of his reflections is Karl Marx's critique of Hegel's philosophy of law, which advances towards a break with the Hegelian school. These studies were followed by the analysis of the economic structure, an issue that occupied most of Marx's theoretical efforts. Antônio Gramsci, attributing other determinations to the notion of civil society, interpreted the bourgeois domination of the beginning of the 20th century through categories such as the integral state and hegemony.

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