The Marxism as a Research Program

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Sébastien Gabriel Fabien Ghislain Antoine


Promoting a bold translation of Imre Lakatos’ research program approach to the social sciences, and more specifically to Marxism, sociologist Michael Burawoy conducts a very fruitful tour de force – as a reflexive alternative to the deadlock clash between positivism and postmodernism. In doing so, it makes it possible to analyse the historical development of dialectical materialism as a theoretical tradition progressively expanding its empirical domain through the inclusion of novelties, or anomalies, giving rise to the growth of distinct branches, some more progressive than others. In this way, Burawoy opens a path for the social sciences to contribute to the actualisation of Marxism from empirical research, thus outlining the epistemological foundations of the Extended Case Method, as a methodological proposal aimed at theoretical reconstruction through the sociological analysis of the interweaving of local processes and global dynamics in a perspective of totality.

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Author Biography

Sébastien Gabriel Fabien Ghislain Antoine, Universidade Federal de Pernambuco (UFPE) / Programa de Pós-Graduação em Gestão, Inovação e Consumo (PPGIC)

Sébastien Antoine holds a PhD in Social and Political Sciences (UCLouvain, 2017) with a co-supervision at the University of São Paulo, a Master in Sociology (UCLouvain, 2009) and a Bachelor in Sociology and Anthropology, with a minor in Philosophy (UCLouvain, 2007).

From 2017 to 2022, he was "Chargé de Cours Invité" (Lecturer) at UCLouvain School of Social and Political Sciences – at FUCaM Mons campus – and Adjunct Editor of the journal "Social Compass" (Sage/UCLouvain) from 2018 to 2022.

He is currently Visiting Professor at the Federal University of Pernambuco (UFPE), in the Graduate Program in Management, Innovation and Consumption (PPGIC), following two stays (2019-2020 and 2021) as a "Young Talent" researcher at UFPE's Graduate Program in Social Work (PPGSS) as a fellow of the Institutional Program of Internationalisation (CAPES-PrInt) of the Brazilian Higher Education Agency (CAPES).

From 2023, he will be Marie Skłodowska-Curie Global Fellow (MSCA GF) on the following European project: "BehindAI - Building Responsible Technology: Global Digital Transformations, Tech Workers’ Agency and the Making of Artificial Intelligence".


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