Decolonizing Palestinian futures: the role of the international community in the fair resolution of the Palestine/Israel Question

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Bruno Huberman
Sabrina Fernandes


The new stage of genocide and ethnic cleansing perpetrated by Israel in Palestine since 7 October 2023 has developed in the face of the failure of the international community, including governments that show solidarity with the Palestinians, to act materially towards a ceasefire and the real promotion of peace in the region. The inclusion of Palestinians as worthy of rights and freedom continues to be imprisoned by empty rhetoric based on a two-state solution which, instead of building paths to decolonisation, is part of the framework for normalising relations with Israel, affirming a de facto colonial one-state reality. Israel not only acts with impunity, but has the power and tools to oppress Palestinians because of the economic support and political legitimacy it has received for many decades from other states, including those that criticise colonisation but give in to Israeli arms diplomacy and close military and trade deals. In this article, we provide this panorama to argue that measures of real solidarity that actually contribute to peace require methods of decolonisation that include the denormalisation of Israel in international relations. We point to recent actions involving blockades and the possibility of sanctions and embargoes as part of the way forward and the value of social movements, trade unions and organised civil society engaging in direct action and pressure in the international arena.

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Author Biographies

Bruno Huberman, Relações Internacionais, PUC-SP

Professor do curso de Relações Internacionais da PUC-SP. Doutor e Mestre em Relações Internacionais pelo Programa de Pós-Graduação San Tiago Dantas (UNESP, UNICAMP e PUC-SP). Vice-líder do Grupo de Estudos sobre Conflitos Internacionais (GECI/PUC-SP) e pesquisador do Instituto Nacional Instituto Nacional de Ciência e Tecnologia para Estudos sobre os Estados Unidos (INCT/INEU). Autor de The Palestinians and East Jerusalem: under neoliberal settler colonialism (2023)

Sabrina Fernandes, Instituto Alameda

Sabrina Fernandes é socióloga e economista política com doutorado pela Carleton University, Canadá e Chefe de Pesquisa do Instituto Alameda. Pesquisa transições e ecologia, com especialidade em política latino-americana, e atua em frentes de solidariedade com a Palestina. Foi fellow de pós-doutorado da Rosa Luxemburg Stiftung e do CALAS em Guadalajara. Autora de Sintomas Mórbidos (2019) e Se quiser mudar o mundo (2020)


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