ESTRANGEMENT, ALIENATION AND REIFICATION an analysis of the first and last Marxist works of Lukács

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Sávio Freitas Paulo


This text discusses the Lukacsian approach to the category of estrangement, both the one developed in History and Class Consciousness and the one presented in Ontology of Social Being. First, we analyzed the way in which the categories of estrangement, alienation and reification (as well as objectification) are articulated in the perspective of the young Lukács. In a second moment, some criticisms of the Marxist tradition directed to HCC were presented, with emphasis on the self-critical text of Lukács, published more than 40 years after the launch of your youth work. Finally, we tried to characterize the main contours of Lukacs’ theory of estrangement, presented in the second volume of his Ontology, highlighting the particularities of the forms assumed by estrangement in contemporary society.

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